The Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology (ACHV) is an incorporated body of biomedical scientists throughout Australia with the common interest of promoting and disseminating research into all aspects of the hepatitis and related viruses.

ACHV Workshops

18th ACH4 Scientific Conference and World AIDS Day SymposiumMelbourne, Victoria
29 November - 2 December 2023

The 18th ACH4 annual scientific workshop was held in conjunction [...]

17th Annual Scientific WorkshopThe Rex Hotel, Canberra, ACT
25-27th May 2022

The 17th ACH2 annual scientific workshop was held at the [...]

16th Annual Scientific WorkshopBowral, NSW
2 - 4 June 2021

The 16th ACH2 annual scientific workshop was held at Peppers [...]



A new study reveals the 3-antigen HBV vaccine (PreHevbrio®) generates superior immunity than single-antigen vaccines. Enhanced T-cell responses to PreS antigens are key to its success. Promising for improving HBV vaccination outcomes. #HBV #Vaccines

Agent-based modeling bridges the gap between controlled human infection models and real-world testing for HCV vaccines. Simulations of trials with PWID show robust design but highlight the need for ≥50% vaccine efficacy to ensure success. #HCV #Vaccines

This study finds B-cell traits, not broad antibodies, are key in HCV reinfection outcomes! This insight could shape targeted vaccine strategies. #HCV #vaccine

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